Ignite is the Middle School Youth Ministry of Northside Community Church, a group of youth that love to get together to hang out, worship Jesus, learn more about Him and serve Him. We are passionate followers of Christ!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Stone of Israel - February 27th

We are now taking sign-ups for taking a trip to watch MCO's production of "The Stone of Israel"!!

What: A musical about Joseph, Pharoah and the Twelve Tribes of Israel
Where: Alpenrose Opera House, 6149 S.W. Shattuck Rd., Portland, OR
When: February 27th, leaving the youth room at 1:30 PM. To return by 6:30 PM.
Cost is $6.00.
We will buy you ice cream at Alpenrose.

We have limited tickets so make sure you sign-up, pay your $6.00 and make sure you have a medical release/consent form on file.

Hope you can join us!!

Questions: Contact Paul Thompson at 503-476-5073 or paulandlisa@northsidenewberg.org.

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