Ignite is the Middle School Youth Ministry of Northside Community Church, a group of youth that love to get together to hang out, worship Jesus, learn more about Him and serve Him. We are passionate followers of Christ!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Aldersgate Youth Camp Details

Hey Ignite Youth!!

Registration is complete and we are soooo excited that a lot of you will be joining us for Aldersgate Youth Camp this year!

Here are some details for you who are going:

What TO bring: Sleeping bag, pillow, one bag, Bible, paper, pen, sunscreen, bathing suit (girls no two piece unless you have a top or tank top to wear with it), clothes, light jacket, towel for showers, towel for swimming, personal hygiene items, comfortable shoes for walking, games, etc., spending cash for snack shack, camera if desired, a desire to learn more about Jesus Christ and grow close to other youth. You may bring your cell phone but it may only be used at appropriate times. We will confiscate phones that are misused.

What NOT to bring: No ipods or other portable music devices, knives, guns, weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons (in other words - no weapons of any kind!), illegal drugs, alcohol, (prescription meds must be turned into the camp nurse at time of registration), no lighters, matches, firecrackers, smoke bombs, stink bombs, no pets, which includes but is not limited to dogs, cats, snakes, elephants, dinosaurs, giraffes, etc.... It is not recommended that you bring valuable jewelry as Ignite Middle School Youth Group/Northside Community Church and Aldersgate Retreat Center will not be held responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items.

When: Meet at the youth room at Northside by 12:45 PM on Monday, August 9th to load up. Vans will leave at 1 PM.

We plan to return to Northside on Thursday, August 12th at about 3 PM.

FOR THOSE NOT GOING TO CAMP: We will not be having youth group on Wednesday, August 11th as most of us will be at camp. We will miss you. :(

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