Ignite is the Middle School Youth Ministry of Northside Community Church, a group of youth that love to get together to hang out, worship Jesus, learn more about Him and serve Him. We are passionate followers of Christ!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Aldersgate Youth Camp 2010 - August 9-12th

Registration packets for Aldersgate Youth Camp 2010 will be available starting tomorrow night (June 23rd) in the youth room. Make sure to pick one up.
Cost is $110 (which includes a t-shirt). Space is limited so get registered early! Turn in your registration with a $25.00 non-refundable deposit by July 15th to save your space. The full amount is due by Sunday, August 1st so we can get you registered at the camp. We will be doing some fundraising between now and then that will help reduce the cost if that is a need.
We will leave the church at 1 PM on Monday, August 9th and return at about 3 PM on August 12th.

The first fundraising event is a bake sale at Northside on Sunday, July 4th. Bring your baked goods by 8:30 AM on Sunday morning. Help will also be needed to make a poster and help at the bake sale table.
More information on additional fundraising opportunities to come.
Any questions contact Paul at 503-538-0440, Ext. 15 or 503-476-5073 or e-mail: paulandlisa@northsidenewberg.org.

1 comment:

Paul & Lisa Thompson said...

The price was changed by the camp to $101!! Yay!!