Ignite is the Middle School Youth Ministry of Northside Community Church, a group of youth that love to get together to hang out, worship Jesus, learn more about Him and serve Him. We are passionate followers of Christ!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For those signed up to go to The Believe Tour this year --

On Friday, April 30th at 5 pm we will meet at Newberg Christian Church and then be picked up at Newberg Christian Church, Saturday, May 1st at 6:30 pm, at Newberg Christian Church. We will be attending this amazing event with the Newberg Christian Church middle school youth group, The 2010 Believe Tour Conference. This will take place at the Portland Convention Center. We will be spending the night at St. John's Christian Church, near the convention center with Newberg Christian. The cost for this was going to be $50.00, but I am lowering it to only $30.00.

Pick up an information sheet from Paul Thompson that has what to bring and all details. You will need to pack your dinner to eat on the way or eat before you come on Friday night.

You will need to have an "Ignite" medical release/consent form:
as well as the "Believe Tour" release form http://media.ciy.com/pdf/believe/medical-release-form.pdf

Please pay your $30.00 as soon as possible.

Check out The Believe Tour website: http://www.ciy.com/believe/tour-info/

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